Sports Day at Your School


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SportdagHigh School Sports Day

High School Sports Day

TakeOver Your School offers a challenging array of options for high schools. Choose a theme that aligns with your desires for an unforgettable sports day. A tough, challenging day for the students, or perhaps something more relaxed? We ensure the day meets the school's wishes.

 Elementary School Sports Day

Elementary School Sports Day

TakeOver Your School organizes sports days at your school. Movement, fun, and quality are at the heart of our sports day organization. We encourage children to push their boundaries and provide everyone with an unforgettable day!

Choose the theme that best fits your desires. This way, you can offer a different theme every year.

Preschool Sports Day

Preschool Sports Day

Preschoolers are in full development. Encourage creativity and movement by offering fun activities tailored to the child! We let the children explore at their own pace.

Climbing, scrambling, playing, and jumping: Stimulate without overstimulating!

What Can You Expect?

What Are Your Wishes?

Tell us what your wishes are. We listen and will develop an unforgettable sports day, tailored to your school.

Choose Your Preferred Date

On what date will your sports day take place? Act quickly, as some dates fill up fast!


Takeover road map

We handle all the preparations for your event. We involve you in this process and communicate clearly and openly about the schedule.

We take over your school!

Wij komen naar jullie school en bouwen een onvergetelijk event op. We zorgen voor talloze blije gezichten bij de leerlingen en leerkrachten!

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